Friday the 13th by Jean-Pierre Martinez / Vendredi 13 par Jean-Pierre Martinez
French-English bilingual edition / Edition bilingue français-anglais

John and Christine have invited two of their friends for dinner in their London home. Natalie arrives without her husband, distraught, having just heard that the plane bringing him home crashed at sea. With the potential widow they wait with baited breath for news confirming whether her husband is among the survivors … and learn that they are the winners of that evening’s super jackpot lottery draw. From then on, the operative words are “controlling emotions”. And that is just the beginning of this eventful evening, with twists, turns and revelations galore.
Jérôme et Christelle ont invité des amis à dîner. Mais Madame arrive seule, effondrée. Elle vient d’apprendre que l’avion qui ramenait son mari à Paris s’est crashé en mer. Suspendu aux nouvelles avec la veuve potentielle pour savoir si son mari fait partie ou non des survivants, le couple apprend qu’il vient de gagner au super tirage du loto de ce vendredi 13. Le mot d’ordre est dès lors « cache ta joie »…
English translation by Anne-Christine Gasc
Cast: 3 characters (1 male and 2 females) – Alternate versions of this play are possible for 2 men and 1 woman and for 2 men and 2 women
Book published by La Comédiathèque
ISBN 978-2-37705-548-7 / Avril 2021
106 pages ; 18 x 12 cm ; paperback.
Price: 14 €